Support Glasgow Roller Derby
As a self-governed, non-profit, amateur sports organisation, Glasgow Roller Derby is kept rolling running entirely by the hard work of League Members, with a little help from our sponsors and friends. Without this added support, we couldn’t attend or host any of the games, or events, that have helped the League to grow.
Money makes the wheels world go round: it pays for hall hire for practice and games, travel to events, loaner kit and more. We spend all the money from Members’ monthly (Pay What You Can) dues payments on our overheads, so your donation could go towards making the sport more financially accessible for someone. Everything is expensive these days so we try to have loaner kit available for new skaters to try out the sport before committing, or give travel subs for away games etc.
We would love your support to make both our League, and the wonderfully weird sport of roller derby, even more of a success. Absolutely anything you can give is much appreciated!
We also have an Easyfundraising account, which allows you to donate to us every time you shop online - and at no extra cost to you! It is very easy to set up and use, and there is the benefit of helping the League to continue to grow and achieve our goals.