Voting and Proposals Policy
Elected positions and proposals* that have a significant impact on the club and its members will be voted on.
Eligibility to Vote
To be eligible to vote on league matters a GRD member must meet the following criteria.
Have passed through the initial probationary period. (Detailed below)
Be a full GRD member.
Be up to date with dues.
Have maintained a minimal attendance of 25% over the previous 12 weeks.
Be on Discord
GRR members will be included in proposals or votes which will directly impact GRR.
To be eligible as a GRR voter a member must:
Have been in regular attendance at GRR or league sessions.
Be up to date with dues payments.
Be on Discord
The secretary will compile the list of eligible voters every quarter.
Vote Quorum
All votes must have at least 50% participation from eligible voting members in order to reach a quorum.
If 50% is not reached, then the vote is invalid.
Positions that require a vote
Positions that require a vote are:
Head of Training,
Head of Officials,
Team Captains,
Heads of Committee
The successful candidate(s) for any of these positions must receive at least a 66% positive majority of votes to be awarded the role.
Any candidate wishing to stand for Director or Management Committee role must apply for the position and publish to the League via Discord.
Directors are elected by the League.
The Head of Officials and Head of Training will be elected by the League.
Irn Bruisers Captains are elected by the charter in place at the time of the vote.
Maiden Grrders Captains and home team captains are elected by the relevant team members before the next season begins.
Heads of Committees (except training and officials heads)are elected by and voted in from the members of that committee.
The following positions are elected by the League but require only a positive majority to be awarded the role;
Attendance Officer
Conflict Resolution
Health and Safety
Wellbeing Officer
GRR Liaison
Equality & Diversity Officer
Interleague Liaison
Probationary period for voting eligibility
When any member initially joins the league, including transfer skaters with references or members moving up from GRR, they will enter a probationary period of 12 weeks.
During the probationary period, they will not have any voting rights.
The new member must obtain a minimum attendance of league practice sessions within the 12-week period and be up-to-date with their dues to exit the probationary period and become eligible to vote on league matters.
The probationary period is intended to allow new members to become acquainted with the league workings, members and policies before being required to vote.
Probationary periods along with general voting eligibility will be monitored and voting rights awarded accordingly by the League Secretary.
Probationary members and non-eligible voting members will still be allowed to vote on matters such as internal committee votes, other exceptions to be clarified with League Secretary.
Procedure for Proposals
Proposals can come forward from any GRD members at any time.
The standard process for proposals is as follows:
A member has an idea for a proposal and write up a draft proposal
This proposal is passed to the Directors for feedback on legalities(advice may be sought from an outside source), implementation etc .
Directors may discuss with relevant parties within (or in some cases outwith) the league at this point if necessary, such as the MC.
BoD may at this point choose to make some suggested amendments to the new proposal.
Directors reserve the right to reject a proposal on the grounds that include but are not limited to, the proposal conflicts the core values of GRD, the proposal would compromise the health and safety of league members or the proposal would render the league financially unstable. Any rejection will be explained, if the proposing member does not agree, a vote will take place among the directors and management committee to establish if the proposal should be put to the league. This vote is final.
For larger matters where a vote is needed the proposal will be posted to the League by the Directors for member feedback.
Usually this will be open for for a seven day health discussion period
Original proposing member then has time to compile feedback and make any changes they see fit to the proposal.
Proposal is put to the relevant eligible voting members.
Vote completes and the proposal is then implemented.
Voting procedure for changes in bylaws
The secretary shall submit the proposal or CV of the candidate on Discord for a period of 7 days for league discussion.
When 7 days have elapsed, the proposal (this may include amendments after feedback from the league) will be put to a vote for a period of 7 days. This will be arranged by the secretary
Only eligible voters can vote on a change in bylaws
50% quorum must be met in order for it to be valid.
In order to pass there must be a 66% majority
Voting on directors, head of training/officials
Any league member having been a member for a period of at least 12 weeks may nominate themselves for these roles.
No one may nominate another for the role.
The league member will submit their CV to the secretary who will then publicise to the league to be considered for 7 days
When 7 days have elapsed, will be put to a vote for a period of 7 days. This will be arranged by the secretary
Only eligible voters can participate in the election of BOD, HOT and HOO
60% of eligible voters must vote in order for it to be valid.
In order to be placed in the role there must be a 66% majority in favour
Other positions which require a league vote
Attendance Officer
Conflict Resolution
Health and Safety
Wellbeing Officer
GRR Liaison
Equality & Diversity Officer
Interleague Liaison
Any league member having been a member for a period of at least 12 weeks may nominate themselves for these roles.
No one may nominate another for the role.
The league member will submit their CV to the secretary who will then publicise to the league to be considered for 7 days
When 7 days have elapsed, will be put to a vote for a period of 7 days. This will be arranged by the secretary
Only eligible voters can participate in the election of these positions
Voting on positions which do not require a league vote
Any league member having been a member for a period of at least 12 weeks may nominate themselves for these roles.
No one may nominate another for the role.
The league member will submit their CV to the relevant team or committee to be considered for 7 days
When 7 days have elapsed, will be put to a vote for a period of 7 days.
Voting at an emergency general meeting
In some circumstances, it may be necessary for competent continuation of the league to hold a vote at an EGM. The vote will be by a show of hands by all members present. Majority vote wins.
Miscellaneous votes
Votes which only affect an individual committee or team will take place within those groups, these do not require an eligible voter list or quorum to pass.
There may be some circumstances outwith what is detailed above which arise which affect the league and require a league vote, these will be considered on a case by case basis by the Directors who will advise what percentage they will require to pass.