With a new skater intake coming up on 28 May, we got one of our current skaters to tell us what it’s like… If it inspires you to sign up head to the Event page and stick in your details!
Hi there! Can you tell us who you are and a little bit about you?
Hi! My name is Peyton Lana Rose aka Yankee Brutal, and I'm from Glasgow via the USA! I love gigs, nerding out to films, birds, and of course skating!
When and where did you first hear about roller derby?
I actually first heard about roller derby 13 years ago when I worked with someone who skated with Auld Reekie and thought it sounded cool - but then I'm sure like many others I saw Whip It and that's really what got me hooked!
When did you join GRR and what was it that prompted you to take the leap?
I joined GRR the first time in May 2022 (I had to leave and come back). I'd just moved to Glasgow and had been thinking about trying derby and it just so happened there was an intake - I also really wanted to make new friends and be more active so it was a perfect excuse!
What is GRR like? Is it how you expected? What's different?
GRR is great - it's a really friendly vibe where everyone helps each other (way less cutthroat than the movies!!) and being able to learn to skate from the bare basics with a holistic approach has been so important! It definitely is as I expected which is really nice as someone who has anxiety!
What would you say to someone who was thinking about signing up but was maybe a bit hesitant?
I would say absolutely try it - learning to skate is easier than it looks and you'll be surrounded by support! You'll also make new friends, and who doesn't love that? If it turns out you don't like skating, there are so many other ways you can get involved in the sport too. Come join us!
What's the best thing about roller derby / GRR?
The family vibe and acceptance from the get go. I feel like I've gained a whole crew of siblings that I can throw myself round a track with while learning a sport and honestly that's a beautiful thing!
What do you do outside GRR?
Outside of GRR I'm a singer-songwriter called Lana Wild, and also an aspiring actor!
Finally, the derby curse! Would you rather get velcro rash on your face or bruise your tailbone?
I think bruise my tailbone, because at least nobody could see it and I could lie on my front! They're both equally cursed though!