What's your skate name and number?
Joanna Fight? 57 (but also Joanna Fright? at Halloween and Joanna Mince Pie? for Christmas, and look out for Joanna Cuddle? in February)
How long have you been playing roller derby?
Although I've been skating for about 40 years, I only started playing Roller Derby in January.
What's your favourite thing about roller derby?
Cue the cheese: The people!! From my fellow skaters, to the refs, our volunteers and NSOs, everyone is so welcoming, friendly and helpful (answering so many random questions about everything Derby). And skating is fun too!!
Who is your derby hero, or favourite team?
All bias aside, it's gotta be our Solo. An amazing human on and off the track.
What’s your best derby moment?
Finishing in one piece at my graduation scrim has been my highlight so far. When the final whistle went I didn't even look at the scoreboard to see who won, I was too busy hugging my fellow grads.
What do you like to do when you aren't playing derby?
I love skating outdoors, so you'll often find me tootling around Ravenscraig or Strathclyde Park (if you haven't skated there before - go check it out!).
Tell us an interesting fact about you.
I keep some reptiles as pets, including 2 boa constrictors and a 3ft lizard called Solomon.