5 x 5 : 5th Blocker's 5th Birthday event! 19.11.16

It feels like it's been there forever but, if it were a person, it would just be starting school and would probably still need help tying its shoelaces. 5th Blocker Skates, run by our very own Marshall Lawless, came into being at the end of 2011 and is celebrating its 5th birthday in style this coming weekend!

Haberbashery & Marshall Lawless on the 5th Blocker steps waaaaaaay back at the start.

Haberbashery & Marshall Lawless on the 5th Blocker steps waaaaaaay back at the start.

This Saturday, skaters from all over will be converging on the Arc in Glasgow for a day of scrimmages, followed by a karaoke party at Garnethill Multicultural Centre in the evening. There will be PRIZES and stalls, including a 5th Blocker one featuring sizing stock from many suppliers. For more details check out the event page here.

A Glasgow landmark for roller derby addicts, 5th Blocker also has an online shop for all your quad skate needs here. You can contact them for advice or information on stock, and if you pop into the store there's always someone on hand with knowledgeable advice on all things roller derby. As their leaflet says, you just can't be sad on rollerskates!

Stefanie Mainey of London Roller Girls popped in for a visit while she was up to run the GRD bootcamp earlier in the year.

Stefanie Mainey of London Roller Girls popped in for a visit while she was up to run the GRD bootcamp earlier in the year.

If you've been inspired by all this talk of roller skates, and are looking for something new to do in the New Year, we've set the date for our next Glasgow Roller Recruits new skater intake: 8th January. Get it in your diaries, get those resolutions written, and we'll follow up sooooon with more information!