This weekend is going to be crammed full of delicious derby action with both our Bruisers and Maidens playing games down in Manchester as part of the Euro Weekender hosted by Rainy City Rollergirls. The line up is pretty special with four amazing games scheduled over two days:
Saturday 11th June
1pm - Rainy City vs Glasgow Roller Derby
3pm - Tiger Bay Brawlers B vs Glasgow Roller Derby B
5pm - Tiger Bay Brawlers A vs Glasgow Roller Derby A
Sunday 12th June
3pm - Rainy City vs Kallio Rolling Rainbow
While we are really excited to see and play our long time friends from Rainy and Tiger Bay, we know that trips away from home take some special preparation. Going away with a team is very different to most other adventures you might go on in your leisure time so we've gathered some tips from skaters and officials to make sure you can put your best skate forward when on the road.
1. What's the absolutely critical item that you need to bring with you when travelling?
Siobhan Sinclair: My iPod and a book for the journey!
Candy Moho: Food (lots of), ipod and a copy of the rules.
Jeneral Strike: Book to read! then I can never be bored.
Cara Viola: A folder with all the information in it that I will need for my trip. Not an exciting answer but if I have all the info it keeps me calm.
Sarah McMillan: My bruisers lanyard from 2015, which has a card on it with a lot of really lovely things my teammates said about me; it reminds me that even if I don't feel good about my derby, others see differently! Thank goodness for team mates!!
Sadie O'Hades: Audiobooks on my mp3 player. My knitting! And I have a lucky hippo that my grandma gave me that always travels with me.
2. Front of the bus or back of the bus?
SS: Back usually.
CM: Front, in a seat by myself so I can be antisocial and spread myself out.
JS: Front.
CV: Front.
SM: Back of the bus, lying along all the seats ideally!
SOH: Don't really mind.
3. Sleep all the way or party bus?
SS: Sleep most of the way usually!
CM: Sleep and eat.
JS: Usually party, I like the distraction.
CV: Sleep
SM: Sleep!
SOH: Sleep or quiet things like read.
4. What about snacks or food or drinks, is there anything you always bring from home just in case?
SS: Always bring on the plane/bus a bottle of water, bottle of irn bru and a packet of mento (I LOVE mentos).
CM: I bring all the food in case I can't find any vegan food (will usually always have a huge tub of pasta, snack bars and roasted nuts).
JS: I bring as many snacks as possible, I'm too tight fisted to want to buy much.
CV: These days its hydration tablets and Naked bars.
SM: So much! Soy creamer for coffee... Kale chips... Trek bars
SOH: TEABAGS. Megan Hyndman recommend this to me recently and she's very right, can't leave home without them. I also like to bring a nice filling sandwich in case I don't have time to find anything else.
5. Any top tip or funny story you could pass on to reassure someone who's never travelled with a team before?
SS: Top tip: Travel with Cara Viola and ALWAYS bring a jacket even if you think the weather will be warm (ahem Malmo..).
CM: Don't get drunk on the bus, it's a long way home.
JS: Hmm, I've not done it so much. Maybe look forward to getting to know your team mates better.
CV: If possible travel with a buddy or in a group. That way if something goes wrong then you can tackle the problem together.
SM: We are so lucky to be involved in a sport that we get to travel to play; it's not a holiday, but you should be aware of how hard you've worked to get there and enjoy the experience!
SOH: Check out any travel connections you need to make before you go so you minimise confusion at important connections. Also, if you travel with a novelty suitcase that makes noises prepare to hear that A LOT before the end of your trip... On the Malmo trip one of our skaters had an R2D2 case that beeped and was super cute at the start but got very vocal as time went on!
6. What's the farthest you've travelled with your team?
SS: Malmo, Sweden and Nantes, France (Think they are similar distances away).
CM: Berlin, and Telford is probably the longest bus trip.
JS: Malmo, but we all travelled separately and met there, does that count? (Yes! - Ed.)
CV: 3,615 miles (Fort Wayne, IN)
SOH: Malmo, Sweden. Excited to find out where derby will take me in future.
7. What is the best derby-related trip you've ever been on?
SS: Nantes with the Maidens in 2015! Was the funniest roller derby trip I have ever been on and as a brand new Maiden at the time I got fantastic tournament experience and the trip was a fantastic bonding experience for the entire team as we all stayed in the same place and hung out as a team the entire time! It was just AWESOME!!!!!
CM: Several spring to mind, London for Roll Britannia in 2009 cheering on GRD and ARRG when I was in GCRG, EROC is a good trip, and some good bootcamps.
JS: I've had a great time going to watch games- less nerves just the fun of a road trip!
CV: The first time the Bruisers went to the states to play at ECDX. It was a pretty big deal for us to travel this far and complete with American teams. It’s also a pretty awesome tournament.
SOH: My first derby trip was a really fun one. I travelled with the Maidens to Granite City long before I was bout ready myself. The bus was great, very fun and we even had ice cream and walked along the beach before we came home!