5 x 5 : 5th Blocker's 5th Birthday event! 19.11.16

It feels like it's been there forever but, if it were a person, it would just be starting school and would probably still need help tying its shoelaces. 5th Blocker Skates, run by our very own Marshall Lawless, came into being at the end of 2011 and is celebrating its 5th birthday in style this coming weekend!

Haberbashery & Marshall Lawless on the 5th Blocker steps waaaaaaay back at the start.

Haberbashery & Marshall Lawless on the 5th Blocker steps waaaaaaay back at the start.

This Saturday, skaters from all over will be converging on the Arc in Glasgow for a day of scrimmages, followed by a karaoke party at Garnethill Multicultural Centre in the evening. There will be PRIZES and stalls, including a 5th Blocker one featuring sizing stock from many suppliers. For more details check out the event page here.

A Glasgow landmark for roller derby addicts, 5th Blocker also has an online shop for all your quad skate needs here. You can contact them for advice or information on stock, and if you pop into the store there's always someone on hand with knowledgeable advice on all things roller derby. As their leaflet says, you just can't be sad on rollerskates!

Stefanie Mainey of London Roller Girls popped in for a visit while she was up to run the GRD bootcamp earlier in the year.

Stefanie Mainey of London Roller Girls popped in for a visit while she was up to run the GRD bootcamp earlier in the year.

If you've been inspired by all this talk of roller skates, and are looking for something new to do in the New Year, we've set the date for our next Glasgow Roller Recruits new skater intake: 8th January. Get it in your diaries, get those resolutions written, and we'll follow up sooooon with more information!

Game Preview: Raaaawrs versus kakaaaaws!

It's a clash of the titans! It's the game to end all games (or at least our Home Teams Season)! It's green versus red, prehistoric versus supernatural, dinos versus crows, raaaawrs versus kakaaaaws.... 

In the green corner: the CHALLENGERS, The T-WRECKS! Headed up this year by captains Shona Mercy and Jeneral Strike, the green machines have had a stellar season winning against both other Home Teams in the tournament with a healthy score of 220-135 against the Bad Omens in June. This reporter caught up with fellow blogsmith and diehard dino Puma Thurman to discuss the Wrecks' chances of making mincemeat out of the opposition on Saturday:

There have been some changes in the squad since the first HT event this year, most notably the absence of our beloved co-captain Strike (off hopping around Europe as we speak)! But we've got determination, a good influx of new blood and momentum behind us. We may have tiny useless arms but that's an advantage for forearms penalties and we've already survived several million years so we're ready to make it three out of three wins and stomp those pesky crows! 

The T-Wrecks after defeating the Death Stars in June. Photo courtesy of Dave McAleavy of Boutday.com.

The T-Wrecks after defeating the Death Stars in June. Photo courtesy of Dave McAleavy of Boutday.com.

And in the red corner: the reigning CHAMPS, the BAD OMENS!

Having won five out of six of the previous Home Teams seasons here at Glasgow the buoyant crows are feeling cocky going into this final match up. Fever and Janie Bones have been leading the charge for the Omens this season; Bones had this to say when we asked for a few words before heading into Saturday's showdown:

We had a bit of a shaky start at the beginning of the season with a loss to the Wrecks, but the team have worked hard and smashed our way into the final. We're going to be strong and together and make the T-Wrecks extinct! KAKAW!

The Bad Omens crowing after winning their game against the Death Stars in October. Photo courtesy of Dave McAleavy of Boutday.com.

The Bad Omens crowing after winning their game against the Death Stars in October. Photo courtesy of Dave McAleavy of Boutday.com.

Two fierce teams. One last match up. Who will win? One thing's for sure, this is a game not to be missed! Tickets are a mere £6 in advance from our events page, or £8 on the door. 

When T-Wrecks met Bad Omens back in June the dinos won the day. But who will take home the trophy in the final?! Photo courtesy of Dave McAleavy of Boutday.com.

When T-Wrecks met Bad Omens back in June the dinos won the day. But who will take home the trophy in the final?! Photo courtesy of Dave McAleavy of Boutday.com.

T-Wrecks Fundraiser

It may seem like a long time ago now but bloggers are much like squirrels and we've been mostly asleep/burying nuts under trees since the end of September. (This sounds like a lie - Ed).

Which is why you haven't seen a write-up of the fantastic fundraising gig organised by our very own T-Wrecks and hosted by Audio. Until now.

Event poster, created by Jess E Ska. 

Event poster, created by Jess E Ska. 

First up was Jonzip, described on his website as a "solo acoustic punk". He was in 70s punk band, The Zips, and has recently struck out on his own with folk/punk/protest music and we were in for a treat.

Jonzip on stage with Jess E Ska. 

Jonzip on stage with Jess E Ska. 

He was followed by The Superlatives, who are made up of three guys from Wetherby and play music with obvious punk/indie/alternatives influences. Full of energy, they grabbed the attention and didn't let it drop for a second!

The Superlatives. 

The Superlatives. 

And last but not least were Glaswegian nine-piece ska collective, Esperanza. Featuring ex-GRD skater Jess E Ska, they soon had everyone up dancing and by the end no-one wanted it to be over. I'm fairly certain I've expended less energy during intense gym sessions than some of those skanking, pogoing and generally throwing themselves about!

Esperanza in action - for video, head on over to our Instagram @wearegrd

Esperanza in action - for video, head on over to our Instagram @wearegrd

The event raised over £300. We would like to thank the venue, the bands, everyone who came along and had a wonderful time and everyone else involved in making it such a success!

If this has whetted your appetite for more Home Teams action, why not come along on 12th November to see the T-Wrecks face up to the Bad Omens in our Home Teams Final?! Tickets and more info here.

GRD: A year in the life

Recently GRD held our Annual General Meeting at Euro Hostel Glasgow. At this meeting the Board of Directors reported to our league members on the business of the club over the past year, followed by a financial report and information on the business of each of our committees. This year with the assistance of our Web and Design committee the Directors showed us a wonderful slideshow of some of our triumphs and challenges which took place between September 2015 and 2016. 

Here at the blog we thought our readers might like to share in this little trip down memory lane, so grab yourself a cuppa and take a gander at what we've been up to!

Halloween Queeriosity

Once upon an evening dreary, while you pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious Pinterest costume inspo board --

While you nodded, nearly sleeping, suddenly your phone went beeping,

And to your feet you went a-leaping, leaping in delight and awe.

"Tis Queeriosity!" you shrieked, "with DJ Future Fight and more! --

Only he can fill the floor!"


Poster for Halloween Queeriosity 2016; artwork courtesy of Nuclaire Art. 

Poster for Halloween Queeriosity 2016; artwork courtesy of Nuclaire Art

Quoth the Raven "there will be cheap drinks and prizes for the best costumes - for more info see the Events Page."


Apologies to Mr Poe for this one, who I suspect is spinning in his grave. Which is very in the spirit of Halloween, I guess.

Game Report: Maiden Grrders at Great Yorkshire Showdown 17.9.16

One Saturday back in September, before the crack of dawn, the Maiden Grrders slithered out of bed and tried to convince themselves that being awake before 6am was good for them and character-building and wouldn't lead to serious long-term health issues. Except for bench manager Silvie Postlewaight who was up at 04:30 making guacamole because she's clearly some sort of statistical outlier or alien hybrid.

The reason behind the early rise was a longer-than-expected road trip to Halifax, of which a good proportion was spent navigating roadworks somewhere in Lanarkshire. We entertained ourselves with a Best Onesie contest (there were TWO Totoros!) and a hard-fought Harry Potter quiz. Our bus driver was a total trooper and we cannot thank him enough for delivering everyone safely and just about in time for the Great Yorkshire Showdown.

Mad Natter, NitroJen & Sadie O'Hades waiting for the offense; photo courtesy of Roller Derby on Film.

Mad Natter, NitroJen & Sadie O'Hades waiting for the offense; photo courtesy of Roller Derby on Film.

The tournament, organised by Leeds Roller Dolls, saw six teams facing off to be ultimate champions: our Maiden Grrders, Halifax Bruising Banditas, Hereford Horror Bulls, Hot Wheel B Team, Manchester Roller Derby's Furies and Leeds' Whip-Its. In the group stage, the teams all played each other in thirty-minute games and the victor in each group went on to a final full-length game to decide the overall winner.

The Maidens' first game was against Halifax Bruising Banditas and was tough, to say the least. Our skaters were not long off the bus and only really started to get into their stride in the second half. They fought valiantly but sadly, that wasn't enough and they lost.

Final score: GRD Maiden Grrders 24 - 187 Halifax Bruising Banditas.

Stinger Belle & Penny Pinch'er holding back the Halifax jammer; photo courtesy of Roller Derby on FIlm.

Stinger Belle & Penny Pinch'er holding back the Halifax jammer; photo courtesy of Roller Derby on FIlm.

After a brief respite while our opponents played each other, the Maidens were soon back on track to face up to the Hereford Horror Bulls. It was another hard game for GRD but they retained more control than the first and were able to put some more points past the opposition. Despite some great team work, they were again defeated but learned a lot from their experience and they'll be putting that all to good use in the future.

Final score: GRD Maiden Grrders 68 - 125 Hereford Roller Girls.

Spin Diesel on the jam line while our blockers are ready for the Hereford jammer; photo courtesy of Roller Derby on Film.

Spin Diesel on the jam line while our blockers are ready for the Hereford jammer; photo courtesy of Roller Derby on Film.

The final was played between Halifax Bruising Banditas and Leeds Whip-Its, with Halifax taking the tournament title.

We'd like to thank the organisers and all the teams, officials and other support staff who made the day possible!